Status: Adult

13.1 Curves in Space and their Tangents

A curve in space is given by a vector-valued function of a parameter defined on some interval or of . When one plots the graph of a function of one variable , one plots both the and the -axis. When one plots the “graph” of a vector-valued function , however, one often omits the -axis, and only plots the collection of points for . What one sees is a curve, but for a specific point on this curve, the value that gives rise to this point is not plotted (it is possible that more than one values of may give rise to the same point).

If one treats a parametric curve as an -valued function, it is possible
to plot the “graph” of this function including the -axis. This GeoGebra/3d plot plots the -
valued functions and over (plotted
as parametric curves and in 3D and treating the -axis for
the -axis). They are different functions, but both and lie on
the circle as one can see from the top view over the z-axis and one would get both
parametric curves as the curve if one does not plot the -axis.

Likewise, two different vector-valued functions may produce the same curve in space, as is
the case of and . Note that , which
means that the point is simply the point on the first curve at time .

So we use the terminology curve for a vector-valued function of one variable, but there is
this subtle difference between its geometric interpretation and its property as a function.

  • Read the definition of the derivative of a vector-valued function and its interpretation as the velocity vector if a particle moves with time t according to this function.
  • Why does the definition of a smooth curve require that be continuous and never 0? Plot the curve and investigate whether it is smooth at the point corresponding to t = 0.
  • Study the definition of a piecewise smooth curve. Is the curve piecewise smooth according to this definition?
  • Interpret as the speed and as the acceleration if a particle moves with time according to .
  • Read about the differentiation rules, paying particular attention to the Dot Product Rule, Cross Product Rule, and Chain Rule.
  • Study the property of a differentiable vector-valued function satisfying ‖r(t)‖ equals a constant (Hint: constant, so its derivative in will be = 0).

Reading Questions/Quizzes

  1. Given and . Plot both curves for (you may use GeoGebra or Desmos) and compute . Does travel with constant velocity, or constant speed, or constant acceleration? What about ?
    1. does not travel with constant velocity, travels with constant speed, does not travel with constant acceleration
    2. does not travel with constant velocity, speed, or acceleration
  2. Set . Derive a formula for in terms of and